An effective weight-loss

An effective weight-loss involves two options weight loss:

1. Get rid of excess weight and the improvement of the general state of the organism during a certain period of time. Effective methods for weight loss in this case:

good slimming
  • A healthy lifestyle;
  • A well-balanced diet;
  • Counter regular exercise.

2. Reset a considerable amount of kilos in a short time. For this effective weight-loss usually use:

  • The famine;
  • Mono-diet;
  • Hard low-calorie diets.

Excess weight accumulates in the body over a long period of time, and if a couple extra pounds of discomfort does not, with the continued addition of weight increases the load on all systems of organs, the deterioration of the overall health, there are problems of a psychological nature. You need to determine what methods of weight loss effective to solve the problem.

At first sight, better to get rid of excess weight quickly. Choose a appropriate diet and in a short time, hard, by limiting the diet, to regain his discipline. In this case, it is the strong loss of weight, due to a lack of power, makes the body to switch to a mode of economy by reducing the rate of metabolism. Therefore, at the end of the plan, how does normal diet, dropped the weight quickly is back. And since the metabolism is slowed down, are recruited alternate pounds. This is why it is believed that the general formula for all plans quick and effective weight loss – less than ten, more than fifteen", so-called "yo-yo effect".

Practically all methods of weight loss effective in short periods of time have a lot of counter-indications, and impact on the health and well-being. Although a lot of people have use to lose a few pounds, be adjusted to form prior to the events of life are significant (a birthday, a wedding, a trip to the station, etc).

With a reasonable approach to the problem of excess weight for the effective weight-loss to navigate it should not immediate the results of short rigid constraints, and on the radical change in not only the style and mode of nutrition, but a way of life in general.

An effective weight-loss at home

Make the effective weight at home - easy to do task. The rules of supply and mode of physical activity over time not only puts the order in the form, reconcilie family life, but will significantly improve the state of health.

The most important component of effective weight-loss at home is a balanced diet that includes:

  • The best proteins are lean meats, poultry, legumes, low fat dairy and dairy products;
  • Healthy fats – fatty fish that contain omega-acids, vegetable oils, mainly olive oil, and flax seed, butter and a little fat;
  • The complex carbohydrates – whole grain bread, cereals, brown rice, a variety of fruits and berries, dried fruits, natural honey;
  • The optimal ratio of protein, fat, carbohydrates, – balanced protein, fat and carbohydrates. Found that, in the daily diet should not act according to the amount of calories – 45 to 65% carbohydrates, 20 35% fat, 10 to 35% protein. For those who want to lose weight it is necessary to respect the proportions of protein fat and carbohydrate 30-20-50;
  • Vitamins in sufficient quantities, plenty of fruits, vegetables, preferably raw, the liver, and nuts;
  • Foods that help in the purification of the body and stimulating slimming – ginger, garlic, white wine, balsamic vinegar;
  • Drinking water, is not less than 1.5-2.0 litres per day, preferably, drink a glass of water for 15-20 minutes before meals.
nutrition to lose weight

All the food is on the table, for an effective weight-loss must be healthy. It is necessary to refuse of semi-finished products and products of industrial manufacture, as they have a high content of preservatives, emulsifiers, trans fatty acids, flavourings, flavour enhancers and other chemicals. No cookies, chips, meals, fast food (fast-food), sweet, and carbonated beverages, juice packages.

The dishes should be prepared from fresh products and authentic, which is better to buy on the market or in the departments of supermarkets.The least possible amount of salt the food, in extreme cases, use sea water or iodized salt. Needed by the body the amount of salt contained in foods and the excess delays in the body of water, preventing its purification, enhances the pockets and slows down the process of weight loss.

Important Point weight loss effective – a proper power supply. It is desirable to have in the same time, at least 4-5 times a day, small portions. Dinner no later than seven o'clock in the evening or at least four hours before bedtime.

Useful add-in plan, allowing it to maintain the effectiveness and improve the efficiency of the measures of reduction of weight, will drugs that help balance the cellular metabolism.

A necessary step in any weight loss program nutritionists believe that the purification of modern drugs. They actively absorb only the bad toxins and toxins in the abundance of the entrants in the blood during the splitting of the fat. These toxins cause specific to the plan of nausea, a bad taste in the mouth, disorders of the chair, the dullness of the skin, the appearance on it of acne and blemishes. This sorbent well fills the stomach, creating a feeling of satiety, absorbs the excess of stomach acid and enzymes, neutralizing irritation of the lining of the stomach. Let's say that its reception and lasting change unlike other absorbents.

Physical exercises to lose weight effectively

Regular exercise and dosed physical exercises are necessary in the process of weight loss effective for increase of the expenditure of energy, strengthening muscle tone, improving blood circulation and healing of the body.

The daily performance of the next facilitating exercises such as the morning or evening load will accelerate weight loss and improve physical condition:

  • Raise arms from the sides to the top, stretch and bend in the chest lifting on socks. To fall on a full foot, the arms by the sides to the bottom;
  • One hand on the belt, second-hand, high above the head, making circles. Change hand;
  • The hands on the waist, climb on the toes, make circles of the legs left and right alternately;
  • Feet on width of shoulders, hands on the belt, in a circular motion to the waist to the right and to the left;
  • Feet on width of shoulders, hands on waist, bring the left leg to the left, lean to it, the right hand above the head extends to the left parallel to the ground. Repeat on the other side.

Also for weight loss effective will be useful:

  • Feet together, hands omitted, the rise of the hands up with an alternate kick legs to the rear;
  • Legs apart, hands on the belt, the rotation of the trunk to the left with a blow of the right hand to the left, and vice-versa;
  • The hands in front at chest height, legs apart, maxi foot, on the other hand, socks touch the tip of the fingers;
  • Feet together, arms along the body, squats with hands, arms stretched forward alternating with the squats, when the hands touch the ground;
  • The legs together, the four jump on two feet, two jump to the right and the left leg.
an effective weight-loss

The first time, you can do all the exercises 2-4 times, gradually increasing the load. The optimal way to perform each exercise 8-10 times, before the pleasant feeling of fatigue.

An effective weight-loss is possible in cases where the desire to look good and feel good more than the desire to eat and eat abundantly, and the way to move less.