Slimming - overview of the slimming: slimming pills, microcrystalline cellulose, slimming tea, comprims fruit, extracts of the "super six", slimming comments.
It seems that the most easy in the pharmacy-here's a selection of resources for weight loss. The pill, teas, sprays, appetite, fat burners. Ingestion – and not of the folds at the waist! Are all of these methods of the money spent? Let's see!
Diet pills

In pharmacy offers you dozens of ways to lose weight, but few people really help to make the face of a problem, yes, and then only on the condition that the person is not limited to, food, actively not move. If sitting all day in front of a computer, and at night, not to leave the fridge, even the best product will be powerless!
The drugs reduce the appetite
These are ways that reduce the appetite, in the form of sprays, tablets and aromatic compositions, which need to breathe. Before you buy examine their composition. In the annotations specified in the caffeine? Look for more secure tool. A small bomb spray may contain the dose to 300 cups of coffee! After you have applied the heart thumps like a frenzy, and the pressure is fantastic, the hands tremble, and, in addition, tormented by insomnia...
On the bote tools to lose weight is not mention of caffeine? Lists the vitamins ( ascorbic acid ), chemicals ( sodium benzoate ), herbs ( buds and leaves of birch, burdock root ) or plant essential oils, cleaning want to eat? This type of drug evil will not bring ( unless there is an allergic to any of the components, but this is not fatal ). Will there be another question. Depends on how the strength of your appetite if you eat enough move.
Deciding to hit by the feeling of hunger of aromatherapy, choose the right essential oil. Among the plants that receive the scents - anise, orange, basil, bergamot, valerian, verbena, clove, geranium, grapefruit, marjoram, fir, jasmine, ylang-ylang, ginger, hyssop, cedar wood, cypress, cinnamon, lavender, incense, levzeya, lemon, oregano, tangerine, of lemon balm, of peace, of myrtle, juniper, nutmeg, mint, neroli, patchouli, camomile, rosemary, rose, and the rose and tea tree, sandalwood, pine, thyme, sage, fennel and eucalyptus.
Please note: these essential oils are expensive ( from 30 to 50.e. in the bottle ). It is clear: to get the precious drop, necessary to rework the mountain of raw materials. Cheap oil – in the best case, the result of the breeding of the brand's usual fragrance of the vegetable oil. In the worst – synthetic natural analog of the smell, that does not have its healing properties.
Spot a fake simple: apply the essential oil on the paper and wait until it evaporates. A quality product does not leave stains of fat.
Benefits. If the reason of your happiness in overeating, drugs to help you to cut food without the effort on your part. When you start to monitor the power, of depressions a very mourning, and for not curbing the appetite aid in weight loss.
Disadvantages. Such means do not accustom them to eat properly, after the cancellation of the appetite returns.
The price of 15.e. for a bottle of essential oil, a spray in 2-3 times more expensive.
Microcrystalline Cellulose ( MKTS )
If you believe the advertisements, frees up extra pounds and waste – finished products of the exchange. Receive specially treated cotton. On the composition and properties of micro-cellulose is close to the fibres of vegetables and fruits. The principle of operation is the following: inflated in the stomach, it creates the illusion of satiety, is not digested and acts as a brush of the intestine: through the digestive tract, mechanically, the cleans.
The novelty of recent years – the pills, international computing centre, enriched with minerals and vitamins. They give the bio-additive additional properties restorative and toning.
Benefits. Normalizes digestion and helps to spend less food.
Disadvantages. Lose weight on a single international computing centre is quite difficult. For he did not want to, it is necessary to swallow n'3-4 tablets, as well as in the bottle, and it is already an overdose!
The price of the lowest of all the ways to lose weight of this class, which, in fact, is in demand among buyers.
Slimming tea

Nothing, with the exception of laxatives and diuretics herbs ( such as hay, cranberry leaf ), this tea is not. Some varieties are not only for weight loss and cleansing – it is composed of a dry powder, beet concentrate, the activated carbon. This tea can be a great challenge, because that ends the diarrhea.
Decide to take months of courses before the end of may, and to give up a few pounds, exhausted and tired, are going to, as after dysentery.
Benefits. The products of the sedation of the manufacturers chose a combination of herbs act gently, really reduce appetite and normalize the work of the intestine.
Disadvantages. Very poor quality of the counterfeit ( and they are very many of them ) cause diarrhea and dehydrate the body. If emergency release in the intestines and the greater part of its contents, and remove tissue, fluid, a day to lose 3-5 kg But will go through the day, with others, and everything will be restored, even with excess: the digestive system is still filled with food, the body is nourished from the moisture. By doing this, the kidneys and the intestines, accustomed to the stimulation of the outside, begin to be lazy, and you will become swell and the contamination of planting on laxatives and diuretics.
The price is quite reasonable – 5 to 10.e. to a pack.
Are prohibited in the civilized countries, and is not registered on the Russian market, but sometimes still encountered in the capital, the stores of oriental products to maintain the form.
When in 1990, comprims received the test at a test Center food products, and the Institute of nutrition, it turned out that they contain elements of plant origin and chemical components.
Plant elements do not have a reproaches are herbs traditionally recommended to reduce the weight. And chemical components of experts alarmed. The phentermine is considered to be agent-psychoactive, it is like a drug. The use in foods, the supplements are non-smoking!
Benefits. Simply no. The weight reduction in this case can be considered as a bargain. Drug users are not protected from its excesses, but you're not going to take medications in order to lose weight!
Disadvantages. Physicians in the us were established: each third body of comprims, are astonished by the heart valves. According to Russian medicine, because of tablets worsening of sleep, hair fall, exfoliate nails, flakes of skin – as in a vad.
Price- on the question: what well you the gift is not necessary!
Fruit extracts
In the instructions to the means of the thinness of this group is often written something unintelligible, such as "capsule consumes the same amount of calories, how many of the 15 ( ! ) kg of fresh fruit. The truth, the explanation, as this happens too foggy: "the acids of Fruits such as bind from food in calories. As if the calories, there are in its purest form, and you can block, such as fat food, and the excretion!
On the reception rooms, also, there are differences. On the packaging it is written: take before meals, in the annotations ( section "Application" ): during a meal, and a little over the top, in the section "Action", the buyer stated: "When before lunch and dinner, you take one of these capsules..."
Benefits. Provides the body with amino acids ( lysine, phenylalanine ), vitamins ( B6, PP, c ), macro - and trace elements ( iron, magnesium, silicon ), and fruit acids, which activate the metabolism.
Disadvantages. Has no impact on the weight, but can only be used as a restorative biological active additive to food in order to lose weight.
The price of 20.e. for packaging ( missing 10 days ).
Fat burner
Nothing, of course, do not burn, although to a certain extent, activate the metabolism and help to better cope with the physical load. These tools are designed primarily for those who lead an active lifestyle. Take at least one plant of the enzyme bromelain from pineapple and papaya. During the aerobic workout, when to increase the frequency of the pulse and of respiration, bromelain acts as a catalyst of lipid metabolism.
But if you are not handy with the fitness, lose weight from the extract of pineapple, has no meaning – and independently of the tool in order to lose weight, it is not appropriate. But those who know the ladies appreciate this bio-additive for the other. Bromelain reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and facilitates the work of the heart, improves the state of health on the eve of the critical days.

Benefits. When the assets of the fitness classes fat burner will help you to lose weight.
Disadvantages. Don't expect to lose weight on them, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle: only money, throw it out!
The price of 20.e. for packaging.
Super system six
Contains a lot of connections useful: 72 minerals and 12 vitamins, which normalize metabolism.
Chromium picolinate generates muscle mass and reduces cravings for sugar. The ginger, the pepper, the extracts from kola nuts and green tea increase energy consumption by helping to burn calories.
Benefits. The drug is tested on celebrities. But remember: if the super-system has contributed to the Valley transform into a cane, that does not mean that with you, there will be the same metamorphosis. No miracle-a tool for weight loss does not exempt you from the need to work on yourself.
Disadvantages. Without the physical condition and the power supply has only nervin.
Price of 30-40.e. for packaging.