Among those who dream of being slim, a separate trend has begun to gain popularity: bodyflex breathing exercises. Supporters of this exotic are sure that to lose weight it is enough to perform special exercises in combination with special breathing.
10 January 2024
An allergy diet helps to reduce the strain of immunity in the presence of violations of its work (autoimmune diseases) and if it has not yet formed (in children). The article provides a list of hypoallergenic foods, a list of prohibited foods, nutritional recommendations for nursing mothers.
5 October 2022
How to lose 10 kg without harming your health with the help of diets. What ways to quickly lose 10 kilograms will not harm your health.
10 August 2021
Diet for type 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus and a 9 table menu for one week. Disease classification, diet and healthy diet recipes.
10 January 2021
What is pancreatitis and how dangerous is it? Rules for nutrition, diet and menus for pancreatic disease.
21 September 2020
How to lose weight in a week? An effective diet and an approximate diet, the fundamental principles of proper nutrition.
25 August 2020
An effective diet to lose weight of the belly and the sides of the essence and rule of the power supply, lists, and products prohibited. An example of a menu for the week and delicious recipes dietary.
2 June 2019
What is the diet for weight loss belly and sides is considered to be the most effective? The review of the best with menu examples. Complete elimination of fat.
30 May 2019
We will tell the story of our readers who have lost weight: about their motivation, cleanliness, sports and have taken drugs, we will show before and after photos.
16 April 2019